Southwest Singletrack: Are you bear aware?
Photo by Ryan Krueger // Esker Cycles
6 tips for riding safely in grizzly country.
Thinking “it won’t happen to me” can get you into serious trouble. When riding in bear habitat, be prepared and be safe by following these tips.
Avoid Dusk, Dawn and Nights – Riding during these times of day will greatly increase your risk of encountering and surprising a bear. Bears tend to be more active at these times and your ability to be vigilant is greatly reduced when you cannot see because of low light or darkness.
Slow Down - Encounters with bears are more likely to occur when riding fast. Surprised bears are likely to be defensive and cause injury to bikers. Riding fast can be especially dangerous where there is little sight distance and you can surprise a bear at close range. Slow down in areas with sharp curves, thick vegetation, or other factors that limit sight distance.
Make Noise – Making noise while riding warns bears of your presence, reducing the chances of surprise encounters and attacks. You can make noise by riding with bells, other noisemakers, and/or shouting in areas where sight distance is limited.
Be Vigilant – Bears frequently use maintained trails and encounters may occur anywhere, at any time of the day. Stay alert for bears, tracks, scat, and feeding sites where you ride. Don’t ride in an area with fresh bear sign. Avoid riding in areas that are rich in bear foods, like ripe huckleberries, as bears are likely to be present.
Carry Bear Spray – Bear spray can stop aggressive bear behavior during surprise encounters if you have time to deploy it. Carry bear spray on your person where you can reach it quickly - don’t carry it in your pack! If there’s an incident with a bear, your partners can come to your aid by deterring the bear with spray. This may save your life.
Don’t Ride Alone – Single riders are much more likely to surprise a bear and be injured or killed if there is an attack. Riding in groups of three or more people reduces the risks of bear attack as larger groups are more likely to make noise and are intimidating to bears.
This advisory was developed in collaboration with the Gallatin Forest Partnership. Learn more at