About Us
The Pedal Project out for a group ride up Corbly Gulch trail in the Bridger Range. Photo by Mel Cronin.
Way back in 2015, picking up where the Dirt Concern of Gallatin Valley Bicycle Club left off, a group of Bozeman mountain bikers decided to organize a new group which not only builds and maintains trail but also advocates for mountain bike access on public lands.
In the summer of 2016, SWMMBA received recognition as an International Mountain Bike Association (IMBA) Chapter. However, following the loss of the Regional Director model, the SWMMBA Board felt the local community would benefit more from free membership and a local advocacy platform. Beginning in April 2019, SWMMBA has become an IMBA Affiliate and an entirely independent 501(c)3 nonprofit organization focused on you, our members. If you've ever been confronted by a trail sign that reads "NO BIKES" or visited an area where there's simply nowhere to ride then you know why our work is vital.
Building a bike organization isn’t easy, but it is made easier by the combined efforts of the folks who step up and contribute. That’s why the SWMMBA Board decided on implementing a set of goals which have become our 2025 Goals. These goals aim to improve our community, our organization, and our riding opportunities. Supporting these goals, we have a number of major upgrades to both our operations, and our trails in our service area.
With the completion of the Copper City Trails project near Three Forks Montana in 2020, SWMMBA accomplished it’s first of many future projects. At a value of over $500,000 the Copper City Trails project represents some of the best singletrack in Southwestern Montana and is a massive benefit to the cycling community. Future SWMMBA projects will focus on access to both public and private lands in and around our busiest communities. With over 5 projects currently in the pipeline in 2020, we have quite the journey ahead of us.
We care about trails and the environment by building sustainable trails and training land managers. Our partner network provides hundreds of thousands of hours of volunteer service and represents the interests of millions of cyclists. Locally, SWMMBA provides thousands of hours of trail maintenance, builds new trails, and advocates for your right to access public lands.